The following data sessions took place in Spring 2016
17th Feb, 12:30-14:30 in 2.107, KS3
- A visiting post-doc from Finland, Hanna Rautajoki, presented some video data (transcribed) from a Finnish multiparty TV discussion program broadcast live after the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001.
18th Feb, 13:00-15:00 in 5.237, CREATE
- Mai Brink Rasmussen (phd student) presented some video data from a Knotworking session to furnish a new building on campus.
3rd March, 13:00-15:00 in 5.237, CREATE
- Bettina Sletten Paasch (phd student) presented some video data of mobile phone interruptions in a healthcare setting.
17th March, 13:00-15:00 in 1.225, KS3
A blue-sky 'META data session'! The idea is to share perspectives and insights into the latest research in the field of discourse studies, as well discuss cutting edge theories and ideas from further afield that may have an impact in empirical discourse studies.
7th April, 13:00-15:00 in 5.237, CREATE
- Lisbeth Kappelgaard (phd student) some telemedicine video data of an encounter between a patient who is using self-monitoring technology and a health professional.
21st April, 13:00-15:00 in 1.225, KS3
- Paul McIlvenny presented some new 'Winter' data recorded using 360 video cameras: 360 cameras present a conundrum: how to re-present multiple videos in different formats, how to transcribe and visualise in 2-D, and what sorts of phenomena are analysable?
19th May, 13:00-15:00 in 1.225, KS3
- Laura Bang Lindegaard presented some new video data from a general assembly meeting in a local United Nations association, with a focus on how members of this NGO accomplish its manifest purpose: to heighten awareness of the UN in order to promote global responsibility. We examined how members negotiate what might be relevant topics for future local meetings, i.e. what constitutes global concerns.
2nd June, 13:00-15:00 in 5.237, CREATE
Antonia Lina Krummheuer presented some video data on a person with brain injury and his carer during morning routines. The focus was directed to sequences in which the person with brain injury is shouting at the personnel.
16th June, 13:00-15:00 in 5.237, CREATE
- Jacob Davidsen will present some new complex video data from Architecture and Design at AAU, with a focus on how the students shift from individual work to group based evaluations of each other's work.