Data sessions this semester will all be held in the CREATE building. The reason is that we have some new equipment to make data sessions even more productive and this equipment is stored in CREATE. If a presenter prefers to have their data session in KS3, then this is possible.
The following data sessions took place in Autumn 2018:
13th September, 13:00-15:00 in CREATE (RDB14 room 6.235)
- Presenter: Dennis Puorideme
- Dennis presented a naturally occurring interaction (video) between social welfare programme officers and a community focal person during a pay point inspection in a local community in Ghana.
27th September, 13:00-15:00 in CREATE (RDB14 room 6.235)
- Presenter: Paul McIlvenny
- Paul demonstrated hardware and software tools to enhance data sessions and analysis, including 6 channel 'silent data session' headphones for listening to multi-mic data, SQUIVE (Staging QUalitative Immersive Virtualisation Engine) and AVA360VR (Annotate, Visualise, Analyse 360 video in VR), with a sneak peek at multi-user CAVA360VR.
11th October, 13:00-15:00 in CREATE (RDB14 room 6.235)
- Presenter: Charlotte Marie Bisgaard Klemmensen & Pirkko Raudaskoski
- Charlotte and Pirkko presented empirical video data comes from a meeting in a residence for people with acquired brain injury (ABI). They were interested in investigating how a case participant (one resident) fits his engagement in the ongoing interaction and how he builds that engagement on his previous embodied or verbal contributions during this meeting. For the data session, they presented three occasions where their case participant (the resident) orients to 'problems' in embodied or verbal statements. Video excerpts and transcripts were provided.
25th October, 13:00-15:00 in CREATE (RDB14 room 6.235)
- Presenter: Carolin Demuth
- Carolin presented data from classroom interactions in an English speaking Indian preschool. She is interested in cultural socialization practices, particularly how touch and embodied forms of interaction are used, but also more generally, how the children are positioned in these interactions.
8th November, 13:00-15:00 in CREATE (RDB14 room 6.235)
- Presenter: Emil Styrbæk Møller
- Emil presented new data collected for his PhD project
29th November, 13:00-15:00 in CREATE (RDB14 room 6.235)
- Presenter: Tobias Boelt Back
- Tobias presented data from a Danish editorial office with a journalist, an editor, and a host discussing potential guests for a live televised panel debate.
13th December, 13:00-15:00 in CREATE (RDB14 room 6.235)
- Presenter: Cecilie Breinholm Christensen (joint session with C-MUS)
- Data from eye-tracking and route finding in the Copenhagen Metro
10th January 2019, 13:00-15:00 in CREATE (RDB14 room 6.235)
- Presenter: Jette Holt
- Jette presented some data from her PhD project using qualitative methods to study how hospital acquired infections are understood and treated by professionals.
24th January 2019, 13:00-15:00 in CREATE (RDB14 room 6.235)
- Presenter: Antonia Lina Krummheuer
- Antonia presented some video-clips from collaborative workshops in which robots have been developed together with people with acquired brain injury. The focus was on decision making processes. How do we remember what we did last time, how do the different parties participate (some of them despite their communicative and cognitive challenges), and how are choices offered and taken.